• h5p ENGThis self-assessment test has been designed to identify the topics on which you need training in robotics, IoT and cloud computing. At the end of each question, you will receive feedback on what topics you need to look into. 

    • TOOL ESPEsta prueba de autoevaluación ha sido diseñada para identificar los temas en los que necesitas capacitación en robótica, IoT y computación en la nube. Al final de cada pregunta, recibirás comentarios sobre los temas que necesitas investigar.

    • h5p CROOvaj alat za samoprocjenu osmišljen je kako bi se odredila poglavlja koja trebate učiti iz robotike, IoT-a i računalstva u oblaku. Na kraju svakog pitanja dobit ćete povratnu informaciju o lekcijama koje trebate učiti.

    • h5p ITAQuesto strumento di autovalutazione è stato progettato per identificare i capitoli che è necessario studiare in robotica, IoT e cloud computing. Alla fine di ogni domanda, riceverai un feedback sulle lezioni che devi imparare.

    • h5p LTUŠis saviivertinimo testas sukurtas tam, kad nustatytų temas, pagal kurias jums reikia mokymų robotikos, IoT ir debesijos skaičiavimo srityse. Kiekvieno klausimo pabaigoje gausite atsiliepimus, kokias temas turite išnagrinėti.

    • h5p ROMAcest test de autoevaluare a fost conceput pentru a identifica temele pentru care aveți nevoie de formare în robotică, IoT și calcul în cloud. La sfârșitul fiecărei întrebări, veți primi un feedback despre temele pe care trebuie să le explorați.

    • h5p TURBu kendi değerlendirme testi, robotik, IoT ve bulut bilişim konularında hangi konularda eğitime ihtiyacınız olduğunu belirlemek için tasarlanmıştır. Her sorunun sonunda, hangi konulara bakmanız gerektiği konusunda geri bildirim alacaksınız.

    • Continuous improvement is important to us. Take this short survey about our materials and learning platform. This short survey will take no more than 5 minutes and is anonymous. 



This learning platform offers materials in English, Italian, Spanish, Lithuanian, Croatian, Romanian, and Turkish.

Online Study

The flexibility and accessibility of online studying enable students to adapt it to their learning styles and schedules.

New technologies

In a fast-evolving job market, new technologies are increasingly becoming a critical determinant of professional success.

Căștigă bani

The site's responsive design easily adapts to various devices

RIOTC4VET project

Developing Innovative, Modern and Hands-on Digital Teaching Materials with a Focus on Robotics, Cloud and IoT for VET

The Erasmus+ project RIOTC4VET focuses on developing digital teaching materials in Robotics, Cloud, and IoT for vocational education and training (VET). Its objectives include enhancing digital skills and technology in education, fostering innovative assessment methods, increasing student motivation, and promoting awareness of Robotics, IoT, and Cloud in education and the job market. The project also aims to develop new training methods for educators, support distance learning, and strengthen partnerships between educational institutions and the business sector.